Download sp3res.dll:

md5 hash:d47dff6351d13d77f3da032f7461a672
OS:Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10
File create:06.06.2012
Site views:4,176
Download sp3res.dll (295.00K) →

If you have an error related to sp3res.dll, check there is a file on the computer. Dll usually should be in the folder C:\WINDOWS\system32, C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ or in the application folder in which the error occurs. If you don't know, what is DLL - read wikipedia article about Microsoft Dynamic-link library

How to install sp3res.dll file?

  1. In Windows Mouse Click Start (Bottom Left) and Search for Run and Mouse Click on Run
  2. Type CMD and Mouse Click Ok
  3. In the black window write: regsvr32 sp3res.dll and then press Enter
  4. It will only take a few seconds to install and you will get a message when it is finished.

Register dll file with Regsvr32

You might have to restart the computer if you are still getting DLL errors

RegSvr32.exe has the following command-line options:

Regsvr32 [/u] [/n] [/i[:cmdline]] sp3res.dll

/n - do not call DllRegisterServer; this option must be used with /i
/s – Silent; display no message boxes
/u - Unregister server
/i - Call DllInstall passing it an optional [cmdline]; when it is used with /u, it calls dll uninstall

Update Drivers

DLL errors can be caused by bugs, out-of-date device drivers. To troubleshoot this possibility, update the drivers for all of the hardware devices installed in your computer. Device drivers for OEM systems can be obtained from the system manufacturer's Web site or from your own disk which included when purchasing your computer. Snappy Driver Installer is powerful program to install missing drivers and update old drivers.

The most common error associated with the file:

Similar DLL files:

skidrow.dll steam_api.dll Stub.dll synsoacc.dll sbavmon.dll sysfer.dll solidworks.dll SDL2.dll sbavmonl.dll SetupUi.dll SteamUI.dll SCRRUN.dll SynCOM.dll steamclient.dll SDL.dll sx32w.dll SHCore.dll sysmain.dll strgene.dll sigc-2.0.dll sechost.dll sspicli.dll SFC.dll SbieDll.dll Startupscan.dll shutil.dll SPBasic.dll SyncEngine.dll SWCUEngine.dll SMWDMIF.dll